Business Hours
Koiwai Farm
Official Site

HOW TO ENJOY How to enjoy Makiba Garden

A single cherry tree at Koiwai Farm

With Mt. Iwate in the background, the lone cherry tree (species: Edohigan) has its roots in the green earth of Koiwai Farm. The detailed age of the tree is unknown, but it is said to have been planted in the 40s of Meiji era. The meadow where the lone cherry tree stands is now a field where grass is harvested to feed the farm’s cows and other animals, but in the past it was a pasture for cattle. Cattle do not like the heat, so the trees were planted as “shade trees” to protect them from the strong summer sun.

About the blooming situation

Usually blooms around late April, but in recent years the blooming tends to be earlier.
Since the blooming time is easily affected by weather and temperature changes and may fluctuate by a few days, please check the following page for blooming information.



Inside Koiwai Farm, 36-1 Maruyachi, Shizukuishi Town, Iwate Prefecture (along the Shizukuishi Loop Road)
*Please note that this is not inside the tourist area “Makibaen”.


To get to Koiwai Farm, take the Tohoku Expressway, get off at Morioka I.C., and drive about 12 km (about 15 minutes by car) on National Route 46 toward Akita. For details, please see “Access”.
Ipponzakura is about 2 km from the entrance of Makibaen and about 800 m from Koiwai Dairy Co.


Requests Regarding Visits

For quarantine and sanitation reasons, please do not enter the meadow where the single cherry tree is located, the surrounding windbreak, or the working farm road. Please use the viewing space along the extensive farm road located on the south side of the Ipponzakura.
The area around the meadow (including the parking lot and viewing area) where the single cherry tree is located is a strictly fire-free zone. Please do not smoke in the area. Please take your garbage home with you.


Requests Regarding Filming

Photography is allowed, but please do not publish photos on your website or blog that show the expressions on the faces of visitors.
The landscape of Koiwai Farm, including the lone cherry tree, has been formed and maintained as a result of production activities over many years from a single wilderness area, and is an important asset of our company left behind by our predecessors as one of our assets, as are the production infrastructure and facilities such as forests and pastureland. Therefore, please refrain from photographing or using photographs for commercial purposes without our prior permission.
Please refrain from using unmanned small aircraft (drones) equipped with cameras to take photographs.


Parking Lot

If coming by car, please use the designated parking lot across from the viewing area (capacity: approx. 20 cars). Please do not park on the street as it is very dangerous.
The parking lot is open 24 hours during the cherry blossom season.
During the rest of the year, the parking lot is open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please understand this.